ADHD In Women

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often associated with hyperactive boys, but this image does not capture the full reality of the disorder. ADHD affects people of all genders, and in women, it can present in unique ways that make it harder to identify and diagnose. This is particularly important because ADHD can significantly impact various aspects…


How Supporting Women’s Rights Has Supported Women’s Mental Health Throughout History

The intersection of women’s rights and women’s mental health has been a transformative journey. Throughout history, women have been systematically denied basic rights, often resulting in profound consequences on their mental health. The fight for gender equality has undeniably played a significant role in improving the well-being of women, but this journey has been marred…


Dating While You’re Healing

Valentine’s Day often brings a mix of emotions. For some, it’s a celebration of love and connection; for others, it’s a reminder of loneliness or past heartbreak. If you’re on a journey of healing—whether from past relationships, trauma, or personal struggles—dating during this season can feel daunting. The good news is that you don’t have…


Starting the Year with Gratitude: How a Gratitude Journal Can Transform Your Mindset

The beginning of a new year often comes with a sense of renewal. Resolutions are made, goals are set, and there’s an unmistakable hopefulness in the air. But amidst all the planning and striving, one practice can help anchor us in positivity and mindfulness: gratitude journaling. Simple yet transformative, this practice can shift your perspective,…


How Childhood Trauma Makes You Sabotage Your Relationships (and How to Repair It!)

Our childhood experiences shape who we are, often in ways we don’t realize. When those experiences include trauma, the impact can linger into adulthood, influencing how we see ourselves, others, and our relationships. The subconscious coping mechanisms we developed as children to protect ourselves can become barriers to connection and intimacy as adults. You might…


Navigating the Holidays with Eating Disorders: A Guide to Coping During Fall and Winter Celebrations

The holiday season can be a joyful time, full of gatherings, laughter, and celebration with loved ones. However, for those struggling with eating disorders, it can also be a season full of stress, anxiety, and isolation. Food-focused holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah often amplify these challenges, as meals and gatherings become central parts…


Finding Peace and Balance After Service: Mindfulness Skills for Veterans

As we honor veterans who have selflessly served this Veterans Day, it’s crucial to recognize and support the mental health needs of these brave individuals. Veterans often face unique challenges, such as managing the impacts of trauma, transitioning to civilian life, and coping with physical and psychological injuries. While traditional therapy is essential, mindfulness practices…
